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Jurnal Verstek is a peer-reviewed journal published by Procedural Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret three times a year in April, August, and December. This Journal aims primarily to facilitate undergraduate students paper over current developments on procedural law issues in Indonesia as well as to publish innovative legal researches concerning Indonesian procedural laws and legal system. It provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to public support a greater global exchange of knowledge. The scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics in the fields of Procedural Law, included but not limited to legal construction of procedural law, critical construction of procedural law in practice, trends and changes in procedural law, and the technical challenges faced in proedural law.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
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Verstek Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (202.892 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/jv.v9i2.51103


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengkaji persamaan dan perbedaan konsep restorative justice (keadilan restoratif), Plea Bargaining (Pengakuan Bersalah) dan Rechtelik Pardon (permaafan hakim) dan perspektifnya dalam sistem hukum nasional di Indonesia. Suatu sistem peradilan pidana dikenal adanya proses diversi. Metode penelitian yang dipakai dalam tulisan ini yakni penelitian normatif dengan pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan perbandingan. Proses diversi di peradilan pidana dikenal 3 (tiga) konsep yakni restorative justice (keadilan restoratif), Plea Bargaining (Pengakuan Bersalah) dan Rechtelik Pardon (permaafan hakim). Restorative justice adalah proses penyelesaian perkara pidana dengan melibatkan pelaku, korban dan keluarga pelaku/korban, bermusyawarah mencari penyelesaian/solusi suatu perbuatan pidana yang dilakukan oleh pelaku. Di Indonesia, penggunaannya terbatas pada pelaku anak dan remaja. Plea bargaining adalah pengakuan bersalah terdakwa mengenai tindak pidana yang dilakukannya. Plea bargain ini paling sering digunakan di Amerika Serikat. Di Amerika, plea bargain merupakan penyelesaian perkara di luar persidangan juri. Amerika adalah Negara penganut sistem common law yang menggunakan sistem juri dalam sidang. Pela bargain, terdakwa tidak perlu mengikuti persidangan di hadapan juri. Hanya hakim tunggal. Meski masih banyak polemik, Indonesia memutuskan menerapkan plea bargain yang dituangkan dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana (RUU KUHAP). Sementara rechtelijk pardon (permaafan hakim) adalah memberikan wewenang kepada hakim untuk memberikan permaafan atas tindak pidana yang dilakukan pelaku dengan syarat tertentu. Rechtelijk pardon banyak diterapkan di Negara Belanda. Di Belanda, terdakwa yang dimaafkan oleh hakim tidak perlu melakukan persidangan yang panjang. Hanya di hadapan hakim tunggal. Indonesia memutuskan untuk mengadopsi konsep rechtelijk pardon yang dituangkan dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (RUU KUHP) di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Perbandingan, restorative justice (keadilan restoratif), Plea Bargaining (Pengakuan Bersalah), Rechtelik Pardon (permaafan hakim), penyelesaian perkara. ABSTRACTThis study to reveals of the concepts of restorative justice, Plea Bargaining and Rechtelik Pardon (judges' forgiveness) and their perspectives in the Indonesia legal system. In a criminal justice system there is a diversion process. Diversion process is alternative of dispute without trial. In the process of diversion in criminal justice there are 3 (three) concepts, namely restorative justice, Plea Bargaining and Rechtelik Pardon (judge's forgiveness). Restorative justice is the process of resolving criminal cases by involving the perpetrators, victims and families of the perpetrators / victims, deliberating to find a solution / solution to a criminal act committed by the perpetrator. Indonesia, its use is limited to child and adolescent offenders. Plea bargaining is the guilty plea of the accused regarding the crime he committed. Plea bargain is most often used in the United States. In the United States, defendant who use plea bargain system can plead guilty in front of independent judge without jury trial. United States is the country that use common law system so, the trial must be with jury. Although there are still many polemics, Indonesia has decided to implement the plea bargain as outlined in the Draft Law on the Criminal Procedure Code (RUU KUHAP). Meanwhile rechtelijk pardon (judge's forgiveness) is giving authority to the judge to give forgiveness for criminal acts committed by the perpetrator with certain conditions. In Netherland, judge pardon can give without jury but only independent judge. Rechtelijk pardon is widely applied in the Netherlands. Indonesia decided to adopt the concept of reconciliation pardon as outlined in the Draft Law on Criminal Law (RUU KUHP) in Indonesia.Keywords: Comparison, restorative justice, Plea Bargaining, Rechtelik Pardon (judge's forgiveness), case settlement.

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